Friday, March 6, 2009

Let HEROES Die Already!

Media Life Magazine - NBC: 'Heroes' will be back next year

For those of you not clear: I love TV. I also love comic book super heroes. And so, a tv show about super heroes would, you would think, be a show you couldn't tear me away from.

Not so.

I never was drawn in by the initial promos although I did notice the ad campaigns ("Save the Cheerleader, Save the World!") which I found to be clever. But, at the time there was no way to watch episodes online (how quickly things change in two years!) and so once the first year story was in motion, it was difficult to catch up. I tried though. I caught a couple of episodes in the first year and tried to get interested (Adrian Pasdar as a Superman archetype? Hot) but just couldn't muster up the energy to devote time to it. So the first year came and went.

By season two the show promised that one could jump on without knowing much that had happened before and so I jumped on the train only to be bored to death by long drawn out stories about Hiro in ancient Japan and the chick from Veronica Mars zapping people with electricity. It seemed kind of self indulgently violent and I didn't notice that any of the heroes were doing anything particularly uhm heroic and so I lost interest quickly. Again.

The push for season three was so alarmingly loud that I would have had to been six feet under in a box not to have heard it and so I gave it a good shot and actually lasted the first six or eight episodes or so. But endless scenes of resident villain (or is he a hero, or is he a villain, the show doesn't seem to know) Sylar slicing people's heads open. Doesn't sound like entertainment to me. Does it sound like entertainment to you? Again, no real heroics and in fact, the aforementioned Hiro actually created the downward spiral plot because he was bored. Really? So supposedly heroic people are creating catastrophe's because they're bored?

I tried again with the current cycle as recently as this past Monday. I sampled roughly thirty seconds when, again, Sylar's slicing up some poor woman's head. I know how she feels. Watching Heroes gives me a headache at the opportunity lost.

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