Monday, September 15, 2008

Countdown to 2010

There's just over 13 months left until the start of the next decade.

OK, so you'll probably say that the next decade begins in 2011, but since most of us considered the 21st century to begin in 2000, well, we've got just those 13 months before the first decades comes to a close.

So here's a quick list of things (some are sayings, some are concepts, some are just annoying things) that really ought to be retired at the close of the current decade (hurry up, you only have 13 months!)

1. "Let's take our relationship to the next level" (what, to the second floor?)

2. "LOL" (surely there must be a better way in cyberspace for us to express joy)

3. "Gurrrrrrrl" (this was tired in 2000 and is really tired now)

4. "Fabulous" (actually this was pretty tired in 1995)

5. the word "like" used in any sentence other than "I Like (him/her)" or as a simile as in "the light shone in his eyes like a blazing sun".

6. Any 'news' items about Britney, Lindsey, Paris, Mylie, Katie or JLo. And please let's let Anna Nicole rest.

7. "Hot" (other than as actual temperature)

8. Star Wars (please let the saga rest in peace, no crappy animated features for the toddler set, no endless Cartoon Network series and please please please no live action series on a network depicting the 20 years between third and fourth movies. Let. It. Go.)

9. Double (and Jesus, triple) wide strollers (I'm sorry, but please, it's New York and we all have to share the sidewalks.... you cannot use your children as battering rams against the masses and expect us to be OK with it. )

10. Liberals as the new Communists/Nazis/Anti-Christs, etc. The reason you can say the things that you want (even all the hurtful hateful things) is because Liberals fought for your continued right to say them. (and by the way we're not Church hating heathesn, but we're smart enough to know that the cornerstone of America is that it's made up of people from a variety of backgrounds. How can Republican Conservative nut jobs sit there with a straight face and espouse 'traditional American values' and expect the rest of us to conveniently forget this. It'd be hilarious if it weren't so sad. )

I'm sure there are more, stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, here are mine.

"Awesome." It has got to be banned. The Grand Canyon is awesome. Peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips, regardless of how good they are, are not.

Belly shirts. I was going to say on anyone over the age of five, but let's just set some standards now and eliminate them all together. I was with someone who is two years younger than me last week (48), who wore one to work. "Well, I can get away with it, I'm in IT." Uh, no you can't.

Cell phones on the subway steps. Have you been behind the ditz who HAS to finish his/her call before going further into the subway where the cell phone doesn't work? Hell if it's that important, stand to the side of the entrance.

Cell phones in elevators. "(Deep frustrated sigh) Look, I'd love to talk but I'm in an elevator and there are PEOPLE around."

There may very well be more. I'm a grouch, and these came up today.